With the API key
and space id
you can allow uploading to multiple spaces for example.
This is a special feature, and is not enabled by default. Please reach out to us when you want to be able to create other spaces through our API. Requires API token.
"domain": "", // requires valid domain
"return_key": true // default false, but allows you to directly create an API key to manage this
"created": 1692105897, // when this space has been created
"id": "fTrQSHBgkvxacjpUFGSig2", // the ID for if you want to manipulate videos inside it
"key": "WnpzdmNneUpjZ0hoOFJvUW1GWmRESzppV0g4S2JrR01tUktRaGR6NmNMYk05", // the API key to manage this space
"object": "space" // the type of object you're looking at