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Getting set up

In this lesson, I'm walking you through the basics of getting started with mave. I begin by outlining what you'll need: a code editor like Visual Studio Code and the resources we've provided on our GitHub.

I then explain the importance of having a mave account. Whether you're logging into an existing account or creating a new one, this is your gateway to uploading and managing videos without writing any code. To demonstrate the process, I use an example of creating a video course for a pizza baker. I show you how to upload videos by simply dragging and dropping them into the mave interface.

Once a video is uploaded, I point out key features of the interface. I highlight the embed options below the video player, explaining how you can easily copy and paste the embed code for different formats like a player or a clip. Next, I introduce you to the metrics section. This includes real-time viewer counts and all-time view counts. I also explain the drop-off graph, which shows which parts of the video have been watched most. I then point out the 'pages' section, which indicates where your video has been embedded and how it's performing on different pages.

Lastly, I draw your attention to the various options available on the right side of the interface. These options allow you to customize your video player, including changing the styling and setting subtitles. I mention that mave can auto-generate subtitles, but you can also override these settings using attributes in your code. Throughout this lesson, my goal is to familiarize you with the mave interface and show you how easy it is to get your videos online and start gathering useful metrics, all without needing to write code.


David van Leeuwen


David van Leeuwen is a web developer with over 15 years of experience. Throughout his career, he has collaborated with multidisciplinary teams on projects for renowned companies such as Sonos, WeTransfer, and Red Bull.

David is currently leading the development of mave and will be the mentor if this course. He is enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge and helping you get started with video integration.

Don’t have a mave account?

Sign up today and get started for free with our 30-day trial.

The code for this lesson available on our Github

works with
Our docs guide you through the process of embedding video, starting with simple steps for novices and advancing to manual configurations for experienced users. It outlines multiple hosting alternatives, including a default CDN, and highlights compatibility with popular web frameworks.
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